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Beta Process

Each kata is crafted for and by the community. Kata are created by other users rewarded with kata authoring privilege. When a kata is published by an author (or Sensei), it will go into a beta process where the community can help test and provide quality assurance feedback and cast a vote for its difficulty ranking. The feedback during this process is vital to making sure all kata are of the highest quality.


TBD: this page was imported from old CW wiki and needs to be reviewied/redacted.

Following Other Users

You can follow any user, be it a friend, a colleague, your students, or just anyone you'd like to track their Codewars career.


Honor represents the level of respect a user has earned from the community, based on their skills and contributions. While ranks are an indication of your skills only, honor is mostly an indication of your activity and contributions.

Kata Discourse

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Users earn new privileges as their Honor grows. These can be divided in a couple of groups:


Ranks are used to indicate the proficiency of users and the difficulty of Kata. There are two classes of ranks, Kyu and Dan, which are divided in 8 levels each. By increasing order of proficiency/difficulty:

Rewards and Progress

On Codewars, there are two different scales you can level up by doing different things:

Satisfaction Rating

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Each time a warrior completes a kata within a given language, their solution is added to the list of successful solutions for that particular language. After completing a kata you are immediately taken to this page, often giving you an Aha! moment when you realize how others have completed the same task. This moment can be incredibly enlightening if you come across solutions that had a different approach than yours.


Eack kata has two sets of tests associated with it, used for two different purposes.

Training Routines

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Codewars supports a variety of programming languages and every kata can be available in more than one language. Users may choose any language available to solve the kata and do so in as many languages as they wish. After gaining the required privileges, users who solved the kata are allowed to create or review translations to make the kata available in new languages, therefore for a larger audience.

What is Kata?

On Codewars, kata are code challenges focused on improving skill and technique. Some train programming fundamentals, while others focus on complex problem solving. Others are puzzles meant to test your creative problem solving, while others are based on real world coding scenarios.

What is Kumite?

This page was imported from old Codewars wiki and needs to be reviewied/redacted.