Authoring C Content
This article is meant for kata authors and translators who would like to create new content in C. It attempts to explain how to create and organize things in a way conforming to authoring guidelines, shows the most common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
Authoring Python Content
This article is meant as help for kata authors and translators who would like to create new content in Python. It attempts to explain how to create and organize things in a way conforming to authoring guidelines, shows the most common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
Authoring Ruby Content
This article is intended for kata authors and translators who would like to create new content in Ruby. It attempts to explain how to create and organize things in a way conforming to authoring guidelines, shows the most common pitfalls, and how to avoid them.
Creating your first kata
Kata on Codewars are created by regular users who want to share their ideas with the community and create challenges for others to train on. After solving a few kata, many users often find that they want to contribute back to the community with kata of their own. Not only can authoring a kata be a great learning experience, well-crafted kata are a source of great fun for everyone.
Memory Management in C Kata
Unlike many modern, high-level languages, C does not manage memory automatically. Manual memory management is a very vast and complex topic, with many possible ways of achieving the goal depending on a specific case, caveats, and pitfalls.
Working with Floating-Point Numbers
This article attempts to explain to kata authors what the most common problems and pitfalls encountered when creating kata are when working with floating-point numbers, and how to avoid them.
Writing explicit tests for SQL kata